What is a web application? (Lesson 7 of our Java Bootcamp)


What is a Java web application?

(During Lesson 7 of our  Java  Bootcamp, we will cover this topic in depth and create such an app ) 

Java web application (web app) is:

  • ·         an application program 
  • ·         that is stored on a remote server
  • ·         and delivered over the internet through a browser interface. 

Examples of web applications are for instance:

  • ·         webmail,
  • ·         online calculators,
  • ·         and e-commerce platforms.

How web applications work:

  • Java web applications are accessed over a network. 
  • That means, users don't need to download a web application. 
  • Instead, they can conveniently access the Java web application directly through a web browser.

Any web browser could serve the web app:

  • e.g. such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari
  • Developers should ideally test their software in all browsers, or publish for a specific browser

For a web app to operate, it needs a web server, application server and database.

  • ·         Web servers manage the requests that come from a client,
  • ·         The application server completes the requested task.
  • ·         A database stores any necessary information.

Developers can use many different programming languages to write web apps.

  • For the Client-side programming: e.g. HTML5,  JavaScript, CSS and Bootstrap to build an application's front-end.
  • Server-side programming creates the scripts a web app will use. Languages can be Java , Ruby , Pythonetc.

Java Web applications typically have short development cycles and small development teams.

Developers create web applications to serve many different needs and many different users, from large organizations to individuals.

(Web services are web apps by definition and many websites contain web apps.)


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